CGES is pleased to announce that MAGES student Lina Zdruli (Class of 2017) has been selected as a Global Futures Fellow for Fall 2015. Sponsored by the Office of the Vice President for Global Engagement, the Global Futures Initiative is convening university-wide conversations that bring faculty and students into dialogue with world leaders around critical global issues. In spring 2015, the Initiative addressed “The Global Future of Development” through a series of high-level events with the World Bank and other thought leaders, including former Prime Minister Tony Blair. This fall, the Initiative turns to “The Future of Global Governance.” The Global Futures fellows will participate in a semester-long series of events with high-level partners including the leadership of the World Health Organization and United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Congratulations, Lina!
Category: News
Title: MAGES Student Lina Zdruli Selected as Global Futures Fellow
Date Published: September 25, 2015